All entries can be printed out (From below) earlier and submitted on the day, but we will also have some printed out with colouring pens and pencils available on the 14th October at the Kath Chown Remax Real Estate stall for people to enter at Junction Fest.
If anyone isn’t able to finish earlier in the day, or simply can’t make it, they can submit their finished colouring-in to:
A Name and a Phone Number must be added so we can get in touch with the winner. I do not collect names and numbers for any marketing purposes – only to contact the winner of the prizes.
Pete Lambie of @ChoppyChopkins has donated this artwork.
All entries must be submitted to the Kath Chown Remax Real Estate stall at the Festival either in person or the email above by 2:30pm on Saturday 11th October 2023 to be eligible and the winners will be drawn at 3pm on that day.